Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Here is how we spent our 4th of July:

Kaylee and Nathan at the Double Oak parade

Kaylee saying the fire engine sirens are too loud

Kaylee eating nachos at the Double Oak picnic

Kaylee and Nolan - he is totally snoozing and missing all the fun

Kaylee going down the large water slide


Cyndy said...

How cute!! Looks like you did the fourth in All American style. I can hardly wait to see Kaylee and Nolan.

Jennifer said...

How fun!

Anonymous said...

we got visited by the firecracker fairy, saw ratatouille, and made a showing for the fireworks!

the kids look cute!!

Laura Drury said...

Looks like fun. Kids are really getting big! Your parade & picnic were big time for such a little town! Miss you & look forward to getting together soon!