Saturday, July 14, 2007

Spit Happens

The cutesy little "Spit Happens" bibs and shirts annoy me. But now, I have a whole new appreciation for them. I wish everyone could experience an acid reflux baby. Nolan is the sweetest baby, He even has a smile when he is yakking all over us! However, Nathan and I are starting to lose our patience with changing our clothes at least 3 times a day and Nolan's many, many times a day. I wash laundry constantly, epecially burp cloths. We have tried a multitude of formulas and the latest is the wonderfully expensive Alimentum. It smells disgusting and you too can own it for just $25 for a small can. Nolan is getting better at taking the bottle after refusing it at first. But the formula mixed in with his cereal really gags him. The newest round of formula started because he couldn't digest the Enfamil AR which had added rice ceareal. Picture your baby foaming at the mouth with cottage cheese consistency coming out and that it what he was doing. Gross! Then he had blood in his dirty diapers. That would freak any Mom out. So, now we are checking out this new formula. He still spits up, just not quite as much. The doctor switched him from Zantac to Prevacid dissolvable tablets (also fun with a baby). On Monday we go back to the doctor to see if he has a milk allergy. We will be toting along with us a dirty diaper for the doc to inspect. Lovely.

Please pray we will find a solution soon!


Jennifer said...

Oh Fischer, I hate to hear that Nolan is still having so mucy trouble. Neither of my boys had acid reflux but I can only imagine how frustrating it must be. I'll pray that the drs know what to do for him and that it actually works!

Anonymous said...

just think, you too can be a stain master just like pam because of your experience! hang in there!

Laura Drury said...

No fun at all. Sweet Nolan. I'm sorry that you're having to deal w/ all of that. The laundry is no fun. I can't even keep up with my family's laundry w/out a spitter upper! Hopefully they will find a better solution soon. Hang in there. You're a great mom!

Erica said...

Poor Nolan and Mommy:( My girls did not have acid reflux but I have known plenty of babies who have had it. I know that it can be very trying and frustrating for all concerned. You will both definitely be in our prayers.

On a happier note if you are ever in Abilene and have some time please give me a call I would love to catch up in person. I am sure our Kaylees would have fun together.

Cyndy said...

Give my little sour-mouth grandson a great big kiss from his granna. Hopefully Dr. G will have something else for you to try on Monday.

Phillips Family said...

No fun! Hope this problem clears up soon. Good thing Nolan is so cute and makes the spit-up situation worth it!